July 2018 - Public Comments + Questions
Released 8-6-2018 - RJW, chair
Questions have been answered here, comments have been recorded and reported publicly.
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These are from the two RVUSD Board Meetings in June and July 2018.
Comments from Dover (June) and Wardsboro (July) Meetings
We voted on keeping both schools open and running/operating the same… Option B had only Wardsboro making a change - Why? Wardsboro will lose our identity.
Citizens voted on the Articles of Agreement.
Article 3 – Grades included states “The Unified District will operate schools for students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Six and will pay tuition for the students in Grades Seven through Twelve pursuant to Vermont statutes.”
For option B - P.D. $ for multi-grade not listed.
Re: Option B - I really resent the public comment that “you are taking away” students from Wardsboro. *Change the Rhetoric!!” I see that what is really happening is that you are fully meeting the goal stated of “giving students more opportunities”.
Rich request - option B+ - A new school building in between the towns.
If option B was chosen why would Wardsboro pay/train for IB program only for prek-2nd graders? Option A was presented and voted upon.
Equity of Offerings: Article 1
Educational Opportunities – “the Unified Board will allow for educational opportunities provided at each school to be extended to all students in the district.”
If Dover students/school has little to no change, whereas Wardsboro changes immensely, how does this keep the culture and identity of Wardsboro (what was identified as an important aspect) and also keep equity between the two schools?
Honoring the Culture – Wardsboro.
It appears all things listed are possible in Option B. Slide at end of the answers.
In option B, there are combined classrooms (pre-k3-K) and 1-2, in Wardsboro. Does Dover combine these grades and if not, how does this meet the equity in education that is required?
The plan does not propose the combining of grades on the Dover Campus. The Board will discuss Equity as it designs the new district. Working Definition of Equity at end of the answers.
If the other schools in the district combine and send their 6th graders to L&G middle school, what will happen to our 6th graders who are now going to Dover in Option B or staying in Wardsboro in Option A? Will they then be “behind” in a year, or set back in any way?
IB in Wardsboro is a “non-starter”.
Have transportation costs been factored into Option B, or the most likely addition of a teacher's Aide in the pre-K3 class? If 2 teachers will lose their job, are all of the teachers going to have to re-apply for a position?
No transportation has not been added and neither has an additional Aide.
In Option B, 15-18 students are expected in the prek3 – K class with a teacher, Aide, and Principal/Interventionist. The Board will devise a procedure for employment that respects existing and future Collective Bargaining Agreements. That process is unknown at this time.
Families being involved was a goal mentioned in the beginning of the presentation. Low parental involvement is already an issue, how will splitting siblings into 2 schools help with this? Parents will have even more events to attend, i.e: Open Houses, P/T conferences, Authors Teas, etc.
I think the Board (Rich) needs to understand this was a discussion and the rudeness was not a great show of “blending” our towns. Would have been nice to hear from Wardsboro members!
Wardsboro- I don’t think this is what Wardsboro Town people voted for. We want equal opportunities for our children, but I feel going in this direction will eventually mean the closing of our town school which will be harmful to our community.
Bus safety seems like a BIG issue. We should not be bussing children over that mountain.
It’s unfortunate to (especially with the comm. That came) have a meeting without discussion - only questions no answers.
IB Program works in Dover… is it an expense that we need to spend to bring it to Wardsboro School?
I strongly agree with operating each building as is and reassess next year.
Dover and Wardsboro went into this merger to continue to operate both schools- this complied with the States Act 46 requirements and Option A does this without compromising the culture of each school. Option B changes everything in only Wardsboro.
Would you put your kids in a bus to go from Wardsboro to Dover? I live on that hill and would not.
Thank you for your work and dedication in trying to bring the most equitable resources to help our children flourish in their education.
Option B has definite travel for Wardsboro. It would be helpful to know what it looks like before comments can be made. I am not sure I want any kids traveling- unless building choice.
I would like to be part of the 7-12 transportation discussion. When will this happen?
Safety: Ask any Dover Police Officer how safe it is to drive a bus full of children over the mountain and back. Rich could answer this.
If you can estimate the numbers on A & B options now - why not provide “hard numbers”?
Wardsboro: Safety - transportation over Mtn. on Rte. 100- what measure/arrangements will be made w/AOT to maintain the rte. better? - Smaller classroom size = equity - student/ teacher ratio
Would we have multiple buses with Plan B?
What are anticipated classroom sizes with Plan B?
Dover Campus:
- PreK3-4: 16-19
- K: 12-14
- 1: 10-12
- 2: 10-12
- 3: 15-17
- 4: 15-17
- 5: 19-21
- 6: 17-19
Wardsboro Campus:
- PreK3- K: 15-18
- 1-2: 10-14
Options A seems like a good fit, in my opinion, with minimal change and efforts to improve both schools (mostly Wardsboro). However, it’s the more expensive option.
How does this alter the level of Special Ed?
Option A – no change
Option B – more concentrated at Dover Campus.
Wardsboro: Separating families with siblings being in different school. I drove that mountain for 25 years very dangerous drive. Safety of our children is a number 1 priority.
Comment: it seems as though my children's safety is based off a savings “EQUITY”.
Obviously, option B is not favorable- what's next?
Educational equity means that each student receives the resources and educational opportunities they need to learn and thrive.
- Equity means that a student’s success is not predicted nor predetermined by characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, family economics, class, geography, disability, language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or initial proficiencies.
- Equity means that every school provides high quality curriculum, programs, teachers and administrators, extracurricular activities and support services.
- Equity goes beyond formal equality where all students are treated the same. Achieving equity may require an unequal distribution of resources and services.
- Equity involves disrupting inequitable practices, acknowledging biases, employing practices that reflect the reality that all students will learn, and creating inclusive multicultural school environments for adults and children.
Vermont School Boards Association
Vermont Principals Association
Vermont Superintendents Association