Health Services
Top reasons to keep your child home from school:
Temperature of 100.4 or above within past 24 hours
Vomiting and/or diarrhea within past 24 hours
Rash of undetermined origin
Contagious illness
See link for more detailed information: RVUSD Sickness Policy
Do you think your child will be able to participate in school?
Sometimes there is that blurry area of not knowing whether or not to send your child to school. A good rule of thumb is to consider if your child will be able to focus on learning or participate in classroom activities. Things that could keep your child from fully participating in the classroom could include a painful sprain or injury, continual coughing or nose-blowing, an earache or ear infection, a headache or overwhelming fatigue. While not contagious, these circumstances can make learning tough and can be a distraction for other students, as well. Sometimes staying home to rest really is the best medicine.
Please remember to communicate to the school or school nurse if your child is going to be absent due to illness each day they are out.
River Valley Unified School District
Health Recommendations for Student Success
Kids need to learn to be healthy and be healthy to learn! Following the guidance of the Vermont Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control, the American Academy of Pediatrics and many other institutions/agencies, the RVUSD recommends the following:
- Access to health insurance and health care providers This is a critical piece of ensuring your child’s health. At a minimum, every child should have a primary care physician and a dentist. If your child does not have access to insurance or healthcare providers, please contact the school nurse, who is happy to assist you in obtaining these services.
- An annual well child visit (physical) with their primary care provider This is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, as part of Bright Futures, which is a national health promotion and prevention initiative.
- Dental visits every 6 months This is recommended to start as soon as your child turns 12 months old or within 6 months of the first tooth erupting, by the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, among others.
- Immunizations
- Required immunizations for PK
- Required immunizations for K-8
- “How risky are vaccines?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaGndICPT8I
- It is strongly recommended that children be vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 per their doctor’s guidance, as well, but is not required for school participation.
- Benefits of Vaccines: FDA: Vaccine and Infectious Disease, How Risky are Vaccines?
- Plans for Asthma and life-threatening allergies Students diagnosed with asthma or life-threatening allergies are required to have an emergency action plan in place that is reviewed and updated by their physician annually. Physicians can provide their own forms or use the forms below.
- Annual Asthma Action Plan - VDH
- Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan - FARE
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan - AAP
- 802Quits is a resource for quitting the use of tobacco products. Living in a smoke-free environment is an important part of managing asthma. There is no safe exposure to tobacco smoke, especially for children.
Other important resources/information:
Vermont Department of Health - 802-863-7200
3-4-50: Prevent Chronic Disease
- 3 behaviors (lack of physical activity, poor nutrition and tobacco use) result in
- 4 diseases/conditions (cancer, heart disease/stroke, type 2 diabetes, and lung disease) that cause more than
- 50% of deaths in VT. (in fact, in Windham Co. they cause app. 60% of deaths.)
- Parent Tip Sheet
Vermont 2-1-1 - Information and referral system that can be accessed 24/7 by dialing 211. They have a large database of resources for programs services provided by community, social, health, and government organizations.
Outright Vermont - “working to build a Vermont where all LGBTQ+ youth have hope, equity, and power.”
Annual Immunization Status Report
Population Health Surveys & Data