Next Board Meeting
When is the next Board meeting?
The River Valleys Unified School District meets twice a month.
- First Monday of the month at Wardsboro Elementary School @6:00pm - click here for directions.
- Third Monday of the month at Dover Elementary School @6:00pm - click here for directions.
General schedule - always subject to change. Please check our RVUSD Board News & Announcements for any last minute changes to the meeting schedule.
Who should attend this meeting?
Taxpayers in both towns; concerned citizens; parents of children currently enrolled in both schools; parents who will have children entering the school system in 2019; home-school parents who want to learn more about future opportunities in education in Dover and Wardsboro; members of the education community, teachers and staff.
Open Meeting Law 1 V.S.A. 310-314 Vermont’s Open Meeting Law provides that:
“[all meetings of a public body are declared to be open to the public at all times, except as provided in section 313 of this title [on executive sessions].” The intent of the law is to create transparency in government by requiring advance public notice and an opportunity for public participation in governmental decisions. The law generally applies whenever a majority of the members of a municipal board, council, commission, committee, or subcommittee have a conversation or make a decision about municipal business. See all requirements and conditions - click here.