The RVUSD Board
Our Board of School Directors consists of six members, three from Dover and three from Wardsboro. Each Director is elected to a three-year term on a rotating basis. This means that one seat from each town is up for election every year.
A new voting model was adopted in 2023 to provide for equal represantation from each town, regardless of population disparities. Residents of both towns are now able to cast ballots for candidates from each town where previously only Wardsboro residents would have a voice for Wardsboro candidates and Dover residents for Dover candidates. Additionally, candidates in both towns are now voted for by Australian ballot (an official ballot printed at public expense on which the names of all the candidates and proposals appear and which is distributed only at the polling place and marked in secret). In previous years, Wardsboro had elected its Directors from the floor during its annual town meeting.
When is the next Board meeting?
The River Valleys Unified School District meets twice a month.
- First Monday of the month at Wardsboro Elementary School @6:00pm - click here for directions.
- Third Monday of the month at Dover Elementary School @6:00pm - click here for directions.
General schedule - always subject to change. Please check our RVUSD Board News & Announcements for any last minute changes to the meeting schedule.
Who should attend this meeting?
Taxpayers in both towns; concerned citizens; parents of children currently enrolled in both schools; parents who will have children entering the school system in 2019; home-school parents who want to learn more about future opportunities in education in Dover and Wardsboro; members of the education community, teachers and staff.
Open Meeting Law 1 V.S.A. 310-314 Vermont’s Open Meeting Law provides that:
“[all meetings of a public body are declared to be open to the public at all times, except as provided in section 313 of this title [on executive sessions].” The intent of the law is to create transparency in government by requiring advance public notice and an opportunity for public participation in governmental decisions. The law generally applies whenever a majority of the members of a municipal board, council, commission, committee, or subcommittee have a conversation or make a decision about municipal business. See all requirements and conditions - click here.