Dover School Academic Integrity Procedure
Dover School Academic Integrity Procedure
PYP Standards and Practices
C-3 Teaching and learning promotes the understanding and practice of academic honesty.
- Lifelong learners 4: Students grow in their ability to make informed, reasoned, ethical judgments. (0402-04)
- Lifelong learners 4.1: Students and teachers comply with IB academic integrity guidelines. (0402-04- 0100)IB Academic Integrity link
- Lifelong learners 4.2: Students and teachers acknowledge the intellectual property of others when producing work. (0402-04-0200)
- Lifelong learners 4.3: The school provides support and guidance for students on acknowledging the work of others, including guidance on citation and referencing. (0402-04-0300)
- Lifelong learners 4.4: Teachers discuss with students the significance and importance of producing authentic and original work. (0402-04-0400)
- International Baccalaureate Standards and Practices (October 2018, March 2019)
The definition of Academic Honesty: Academic honesty is “a set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practice in teaching, learning and assessment[1]”. Academic honesty results in respect for one another’s intellectual property and the completion of “authentic” pieces of work which are “based on [the individual’s own] original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged.[1]”
Academic Honesty demonstrates the Learner Profile Attribute of being principled inquirers. This attribute is fostered across all areas of the curriculum according to the developmental levels of students.
Our responsibility is to “assist students in developing personal responsibility for learning. The school should employ the use of the approaches to learning (self-management skills, social skills, communication skills, thinking skills and research skills) across the curriculum to further develop the tools necessary to maintain academic honesty. Academic honesty requires an understanding of the difference between academic honesty, intellectual property, plagiarism and authentic authorship. Students should recognize that they are personally responsible for academic honesty and be able to recognize what behaviours constitute academic misconduct (for example, plagiarism, copying another’s work, using unpermitted notes or collaboration”
Academic Integrity is part of being “principled”, a learner profile attribute where learners strive to “act with integrity and honesty” as we question, inquire and act.”
Goals of the Academic Integrity Procedure for Dover School
- Teachers and students work together to develop practices that support academic Integrity.
- To develop the understanding that we must not take credit for the work of others.
- To teach age-appropriate use of citation and referencing for the intellectual property of others. (bibliographic formats),quotations, paraphrasing
- To help students understand that when working in groups, they must give other students credit for their work.
- Teach students to use information technology and social media responsibly.
- Academic Integrity will be discussed with parents and legal guardians as to the meaning of appropriately helping students with their work. Parent work should not be presented as a student’s own work.
- Academic Integrity is always linked to the Learner Profile and Attributes.
If a teacher suspects that a primary student has engaged in academic dishonesty, every opportunity will be given to allow the student to correct their mistake and reflect upon the situation. If a teacher suspects an intermediate student of incidents of academic dishonesty, the incident will be reported to the principal and parent. The principal and teacher will then decide the level of consequence for the action based on the situation and age of the student.